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修正依頼スレッド その2

1 濁@管理人 ★ [2004/10/24(Sun) 13:09]


216 あぼ〜ん [あぼ〜ん]

217 燕南天 [2005/10/22(Sat) 03:14]
Dear webmaster:

I just wonder you deleted all my post, I just want to communcate with you. How come you have to act behave that, communicate can make friends and let people who understand you, I believe that's the major purpose of buliding this online game, right? No one want to have bad temper and abbuse the forum, but when I've soemthing don't understand then I need to ask, it better than just blinding guess, this could cause many mis-understanding.

I look forward to hearing from you

Best wishes

218 名無しさん [2005/10/22(Sat) 08:56]
Connection IP is one.
Didn't it connect from two places?

219 燕南天 [2005/10/22(Sat) 11:57]
But I've seen many people use different user name when thye join other server.....anyway.....!

220 濁@管理人 ★ [2005/10/22(Sat) 12:59]
There are two reasons why I delete your posts.
One is your post are inadequate for each forms of BBS2.
Another is you post simular questions that alerady exsit many times.

IP is not problem.

221 狄青麟 [2005/10/24(Mon) 05:49]
Dear webmaster:

I finally you did something to 'restrict' my character grow, and I always being beaten to someone suppose to be weaker than me, come on please please stop making these crap on me......

222 あぼ〜ん [あぼ〜ん]

223 あぼ〜ん [あぼ〜ん]

224 狄青麟 [2005/10/24(Mon) 06:22]
Sorry for the posts I made look very harsh. In fact if I can contact you over your official e-mail address I won't send message here, I understand that no one want to be humiliated or embarassed, I tried to be polite but I don't get the respond and respect as I want to receive.

Your sincerely

(I started play tactics ogre de endless battle since the 1st edition release, and I would always be the huge fans of tactics ogre)

225 あぼ〜ん [あぼ〜ん]

226 あぼ〜ん [あぼ〜ん]

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